What types of laser treatments are available for acne scars?
In order to get the best results, Dr. Motazedi uses a traditional full ablative CO2 laser. Fractional CO2 treatment does not go deep enough and can not be used to sculpt moderate to severe acne scars. In addition, patients with deep scars may need to undergo a series of surgical scar revisions prior to treatment with the CO2 laser. Scars are revised using different techniques in order to give the patient the best possible outcome. Scar revisions are performed using local anesthetic and require no downtime. Several rounds of scar revisions may be necessary depending upon the severity and location of the scars.
Once the scar revisions are completed and fully healed, the patient is ready for CO2 laser resurfacing. Patients will receive a physical prior to treatment. Prepping creams, like Retin A may be required depending upon the patients skin type and skin condition. Patients can expect to remain home following the laser treatment for 7-10 days. Patients will appear to have a mild sunburn for about two weeks with total resolution usually occurring in 6 to 8 weeks. Makeup can usually be applied after the 10 day period. Most patients can begin working out and doing more strenuous activity one month following CO2 resurfacing.
To schedule your free consultation, please call us at 719-596-4000 or email us at info@ColoradoLaserClinic.com